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Mart, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

PNW looks to connect NWI business leaders in virtual COVID-19 community series

PNW looks to connect NWI business leaders in virtual COVID-19 community series Purdue University Northwest is looking to bridge community connections in response to the novel coronavirus in a new, interactive video series open to the public. The Leadership Institute and The Society of Innovators at PNW are launching a NWI Forward Community Conversations series open to the public via Zoom video. The six-week series looks to explore different topics and industries affected by closures prompted by COVID-19 precautions. Each week, the public will be invited to join in a Tuesday afternoon conversation based on pre-selected coronavirus-related themes. Then, on Thursday, an invited speaker will share their perspective on the topic. The twice weekly seminars, about an hour each, will offer an outlet for business and industry leaders to share strategies and lessons learned with others across the Region, said Jason Williams, assistant director of the Society of I

Coronavirus: Why are British travellers struggling to get home?

Coronavirus: Why are British travellers struggling to get home? Around the world there are thousands of Britons desperate to get home. And yet many are stranded. Airports have been closed and borders shut. Cities have been placed in lockdown. Many are trapped in hotels, often with money and food running out. They are sitting on the phone calling airlines or tour operators, on hold for hours or failing to get through at all. They are emailing, phoning and messaging the local British embassy, often to no avail. In hundreds of posts and videos on social media, they are voicing their frustration from all corners of the world and asking - why is more not being done to help them? Well, here's why. The scale of the challenge is unprecedented No-one knows how many Britons are travelling abroad at any one time. The UK is not a police state and does not require its citizens to register every time they leave. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told MPs recently it could be

U.S.-Chinese Distrust Is Inviting Dangerous Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

U.S.-Chinese Distrust Is Inviting Dangerous Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories And Undermining Efforts to Contain the Epidemic Tens of thousands of people get sick. More than 2,900 die. Fear spreads faster than the virus. Factories are closed. Roads are blocked. Villages are sealed off. Cities are locked down. The outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is the most severe sociopolitical crisis Chinese leaders have grappled with since the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown. And the crisis is not confined to China. The spread of the virus across borders—and the panicky reaction to that spread—will have profound effects on the global economy, politics, security, and governance.  The virus’s novelty leaves many unknowns. We still don’t have a clear idea of its transmissibility and virulence. We do not have a clear idea of the incubation period, which could last up to 24 days. We also don’t know how infectious people are before their symptoms manifest and why some cases suddenl

Covid-19 : combien de personnes sont confinées dans le monde ?

Covid-19 : combien de personnes sont confinées dans le monde ? Bonjour, Vous nous avez demandé combien de personnes étaient confinées dans le monde à cause du Covid-19. Ces derniers jours, différents chiffres ont circulé à ce sujet. Le journal de 20 heures de France 2 mentionnait le 21 mars  «1 milliard de personnes»,  se basant sur un chiffre calculé par l’AFP. Les chiffres ont évidemment augmenté depuis, notamment en raison de la mise en confinement de l’Inde et de ses 1,3 milliard d’habitants, annoncée mardi 24 mars. Selon le dernier décompte en date effectué par l’AFP, « plus de 3,38 milliards de personnes... sont appelées ou astreintes par leurs autorités à rester confinées chez elles ». Si l’on ne prend cette fois que les personnes contraintes de rester confinées chez elles (en excluant donc les pays où il n’y a que des mesures incitatives de la part des gouvernements), 2,63 milliards de personnes étaient strictement confinées dans le monde au 30 mars, soit plus d’

Furloughs at Gap, Macy’s and Gannett signal mounting economic distress

Furloughs at Gap, Macy’s and Gannett signal mounting economic distress A Macy's department store in a N.J. mall is closed to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. (Justin Lane/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock) Major companies signaled a new wave of economic distress Monday, sending hundreds of thousands of workers home without pay, as the Trump administration scrambled to get stimulus money to Americans already feeling the weight of unpaid bills. Macy’s announced it will furlough most of its 125,000 workers as sales evaporated with the shuttering of 775 stores. Kohl’s and Gap also announced furloughs of about 80,000 each. Media giant Gannett announced furloughs for newspaper employees who earn more than $38,000 a year and pay cuts across the company. Sysco Corp., the country’s largest food distributor, also confirmed thousands of furloughs and layoffs of undisclosed numbers of workers worldwide. The massive cuts have prompted some economists to predict the unemployed could

Migrant Workers Sprayed With Disinfectant In One Indian State

Migrant Workers Sprayed With Disinfectant In One Indian State New Delhi (CNN) The Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has sparked controversy after migrant workers, returning home during a nationwide coronavirus lockdown, were doused in bleach disinfectant used to sanitize buses. Video showed three people, dressed in protective gear, spraying the liquid directly on a group of Indian workers as they sat on the ground in the northern city of Bareilly. Social distancing is a privilege of the middle class. For India's slum dwellers, it will be impossible Ashok Gautam, a senior officer in charge of Covid-19 operations in Uttar Pradesh, told CNN as many as 5,000 people have been "publicly sprayed" when they arrived before they were allowed to disperse. "We sprayed them here as part of the disinfection drive, we don't want them to be carriers for the virus and it could be hanging on their clothes, now all borders have been sealed so this won't h